The ABP Barry Island 10K will mean that much more to runner Tomasz Figurski on Sunday 7 August, who will be running to raise the remaining funds required to purchase a sport dancing wheelchair for his daughter Inga.
Inga, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, uses the wheelchair to assist weak leg muscles. Father Tom is hoping to help her realise her dancing dream by raising awareness of the story and helping Inga to improve her dancing with the wheelchair.
Tom said: ‘A new sport dance wheelchair and professional dancing outfit will give Inga so much confidence and elegance to her performance.
It will be easier for her to manoeuvre and do more complicated dancing figures, and allow Inga to dance with a partner’
Inga is a part of Impetus Dance Club in Bridgend, and dad Tom is adamant she will be able to improve in the future with the use of a brand-new dancing wheelchair.
When talking about training for the ABP Barry Island 10K this weekend, he said: ‘My training is going fine. It is very intense since I have just taken up triathlon and aquathlon races – running was not enough! But in all seriousness – swimming and cycling has helped me with running as well.’
The ABP Barry Island 10K will return to the popular seaside resort this Sunday after a three-year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic this Sunday. Tom and Inga are just £290 short of their fundraising target and will be hoping to hit it by race day. You can donate via their JustGiving page at: