
As race organisers, we are committed to improving our sustainability and minimising the impact of our events on the environment. Help us on event day by considering the responsibilities below:
Consider sustainable travel: Why not walk, cycle, take public transport or consider lift sharing to the event?
Take your litter home: Please help us leave Barry Island how we found it!
Help us recycle on the course and at the finish line: Recycling bins are located some distance after each on-course energy station. If you can, please aim your discarded bottle or gel wrapper for the bins. At the finish line, look out for our Environmental Champions who will be on hand to direct you to your nearest.
Avoid contamination: Plastic bottles are 100% recyclable, but only if they are not contaminated with any other waste such as banana skins or food waste. Take care when recycling them!
What are R4W doing to improve sustainability?
In an era of rapidly escalating climate change, resource depletion, plastic pollution and species extinction, the necessity of taking action to minimise our environmental impact has never been as strong as it is today.
With a socially responsible business model at our core, R4W has a duty to deliver ambitiously green, sustainable and low impact events. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact as an integral part of our business strategy and we commit to achieving the below emissions reduction target by 2030 or sooner.
Click below to learn more about our Environmental Policy and its objectives, plus the actions we are taking through our ‘Green Action Plan’.
Sustainability Partners
We work with a number of our sponsors and partners, including Brecon Carreg and Rubicon Wales to improve the sustainability of our events through a ‘Climate Action Group’. The group works on projects designed to minimise the environmental impact of our events and promote recycling and green initiatives.
Partners also make direct financial contributions to our ‘Climate Action Fund’ – which exclusively supports sustainable development projects and green initiatives such as tree planting, community projects that tackle climate change, renewable energy start-ups, campaigns against pollution in our oceans and natural habitats and securing the rights of indigenous peoples threatened with extinction.