There are just a few days left to sign up to run this year’s ABP Barry Island 10K with free entry if you guarantee to raise £50 or more for Tŷ Hafan Children’s Hospice.
Tŷ Hafan is the lead partner for Run4Wales which runs the town’s annual race. This year’s Barry Island 10K will take place on Sunday, 6 August and already 91 people have taken advantage of the free entry offer and have signed up to run for Tŷ Hafan with just nine free places left up for grabs out of 100 designated for the iconic children’s hospice.
The deadline to register to run is July 18 and if you commit to running for Tŷ Hafan, when your sponsorship total reaches £25 you’ll also receive one of the charity’s new purple branded running vests.
Plus if you have already bought your own place then you can still run for Tŷ Hafan. Simply call Tŷ Hafan’s Supporter Care Team on 02920 532 255 or email supportercare@tyhafan.org.
Jenna Lewis, Director of Income Generation for Tŷ Hafan, said: “This is our last year as lead charity partner with the Run4Wales Barry Island 10K and we are so pleased that so very many of our amazing supporters have chosen to fundraise for us via this high-profile event.
“It costs us £5.2m every year to provide care and support for children with life-shortening conditions and their families in Wales and with inflation and the ongoing cost of living crisis these costs are only going up.
“We know just how much the people of Barry love and value Tŷ Hafan and they provide a huge amount of support for what we do for children and families in the town,and from across the Vale fo Glamorgan. So I’d just like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you, whether you’re running the Barry Island 10K for us, or supporting us in so many other ways, because without you, we simply would not be able to do what we do.”
Lee and Jo McCabe lost their son Finn to an untreatable brain tumour in July 2018. Finn was supported by Tŷ Hafan, in the 12 months between diagnosis and death, and his three brothers Ross, Jack and Jesse along with Lee and Jo, all continue to be supported by Tŷ Hafan to this day.
“We all need to support our children, support Barry and support Tŷ Hafan and running the Barry Island 10K is a brilliant way of doing this,” says Jo.
“Finn died on the Friday 20th July, and we were able to keep him with us in the hospice until Saturday tea-time. It was so incredibly precious for us to be able to have all that time with him.
“We will forever be indebted to Tŷ Hafan. It helps to make the unbearable, just that little bit more bearable and I don’t know how we would have coped without it. It’s such a happy, positive place and Finn loved it. And for us there was the comfort and reassurance of knowing there was someone outside the door and help at hand at all times.
“Tŷ Hafan was also brilliant with Finn’s big brothers Ross, Jack and Jesse. They were all able to stay at the hospice with Finn, we were all together,” continues Jo.
“That’s the thing about Tŷ Hafan. It feels like family and still does to this day. They support everyone, not just the child themselves, and they are still there for us all now.
“Tŷ Hafan is an absolute Godsend when your child is so poorly and there is no cure. I’ve met loads of families across Wales who have been supported by Tŷ Hafan. Now, more than ever, we all need to support it.”
To sign up to run the Barry Island 10K for Tŷ Hafan go to: https://www.tyhafan.org/events/barry10km/
The Family of Finn McCabe
View our series of short videos to find out more about how the family of Finn McCabe were supported by Tŷ Hafan.