2021 Postponement – FAQs

Below, you can also find answers to a number of Frequently Asked Questions relating to the available options and postponement.
The Run 4 Wales office remains closed because of the Coronavirus lockdown and a reduced staff team are working hard to respond to queries from home.
Please read the FAQs carefully before getting in touch as we have tried to set out responses to as many of the issues arising as possible.
How do I secure my entry in the re-scheduled event on Sunday 7 August 2022?
You do not need to do anything; your entry has been automatically transferred. We will keep you updated as the event draws closer with all the important event day instructions and information. You can also opt to claim a credit note voucher; redeemable against the purchase of an entry in any future Run 4 Wales event.
Will entries in the family races also be transferred?
Yes, and you don’t need to do anything. They have been automatically transferred.
How do I transfer my entry to another runner if I am unable to attend the re-scheduled event?
This will be conducted through our online entry system, ACTIVE. We will waive the usual £5.80 transfer fee. ACTIVE allows you to generate a transfer link that you can share with another runner without sharing any personal or payment information. The new runner will register for the race, paying full price for their entry. Once the registration is complete you will receive a refund.
Please note that for insurance and medical reasons, all transfers must be conducted officially through ACTIVE. Instructions on how to transfer can be found here.
Can I have a refund on my race entry instead?
Sadly, we are not in a position to offer refunds, however we are offering a number of reasonable alternative options to runners, which have been outlined to all participants (including the option to attend the rescheduled event or claim a credit note voucher redeemable against any future Run 4 Wales event purchase). Run 4 Wales organise the Cardiff Half Marathon, Newport Wales Marathon & 10K, Cardiff Bay Run, Porthcawl 10K, Barry Island 10K plus a series of virtual events – and credit note vouchers can be used against any of these events.
We hope that these options will suit the vast majority of runners who will understand our position given current circumstances. Our terms and conditions clearly state that runners will not be entitled to a refund if an event is postponed because of ‘a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the organisers’ and it is with regret that we have to uphold this condition.
With the COVID-19 crisis ongoing Run 4 Wales and the wider events industry face a fight for survival following an extended period where no mass participation events can take place. Despite having not delivered an event since October 2019, Run 4 Wales continues to incur fixed operational costs and irrecoverable delivery event costs, as we continue to plan for events in an uncertain period.
Your support and understanding mean we can protect the future of Run 4 Wales, our wider events portfolio and the staff, local suppliers, contractors, and social causes we support.
Run 4 Wales is a not-for-profit social enterprise; with any financial surpluses used to support a number of grassroots athletics and community projects through the R4W Charitable Foundation.
What happens to any additional purchases I made with my race entry?
If you have purchased any race merchandise or an iTab medal insert your purchase will be transferred to the re-scheduled event automatically.
If you cannot find a response to your question in our FAQs, please contact us by email but, be aware it will take us a little longer than usual to respond. We will get back to you as soon as we can and thank you for understanding and patience: barryisland10K@run4wales.org